

4 acapella songs

a minor seven / song about kim (live on wehr)

ace of base chewed my horse

annoying long acapella jam (extended mix)

arthur versus his lack of talent

arthur's amazing echo

azapella weirdness part one

azapella weirdness part two

basketcase (green day cover)

box-like thing

could you guys please relax


dave's little poem

debaser (pixies cover)

eleven fifty eight (live on wehr)


f how mack the knife you r (live on wehr)

fish song (take 1, take 2, take 3, take crap)
blasting trout overbite's first song!

flat pants

frank perdue got naked

free sample my ass

get bent, sir

get out of here

graperoni reaction in g


hats and rabbits (dj salinger remix)

high and dry (radiohead cover)

horrid fuck-up


i hate monitors

i never created anything that i didn't
destroy soon afterwards (live on wehr)

i think couples who make out in public
should die a painful death

i think couples who make out in public
should die a painful death (live on wehr)

i'm on fire

indecision song

isn't it lucrative?

isn't the monroe doctrine just a worthless piece of shit?

it could always be worse (live on wehr)
lyrics written by jess!

justin norton (censored awesome version)

killer platypi

ko chi minh

let them eat egg pie

licking the foam (live on wehr)

luis rodriguez holds forks

matt and arthur's slipknot song

mexican swiss classic

my leg's made of butter (literally)

my pet peevish

nine over two
song experient in which dan and arthur each played as many instruments
simultaneously as possible.

nothing rhymes with window

ode to a sky captain

our favorite song

phone song experiment

plasket yells

plasket, plasket (live on wehr)

quack, asshole, quack

read my book

roman pu-lask attack

sharpness (snot patties cover with louis armstrong vocals)

short baseball-seeking hot girl (live on wehr)

six minutes of hell

small traps

sometimes a jackal is just a guy in a jackal suit

song celebrating the end

stairway to heaven
stairway to heaven (dj salinger remix)
these two songs were inspired by incubus naming a song "wish you were here." if
they can name a terrible song after a really good classic one, then so can we.
also: the remix is perhaps our most awesomely unlistenable song. just try to make it
all the way through!

sweater song (weezer cover)

teetering on the edge of a building whose
highest level is not in the earth's atmosphere


the beel session (live on wehr)
contains a great censored version of "raped by an angel."

the death waltz of sir edmund hillary
acoustic instrumental version of death march of the yaks.

the dictionary that omits the word "sandwich"

the old tire, wasn't it him

turn it on (flaming lips cover, live on wehr)

we are the champions (queen cover, live on wehr)

welcome home twelve toe

worst song ever

written or burned (krap remix)

