blasting trout
overbite's first full length recording.
this album was much longer and included many throwaway tracks
(like "mexican
swiss classic," now a b-side), but we thought the album would
have a much
better chance if we whittled it down to our best material.
penn state got burned down by lettuce
a song inspired
by a ridiculous evening in the dining commons during which
a piece of
lettuce ended up flying across the room and landing on a radiator.
i dream of meefy
from the 3
meefs album "unsung."
written or burned
one of our
all time favorite songs.
chained to the roof of my rundown motel
indie rock
fans will note that this song closely resembles "turn it on" by the flaming
lips. once
we realized this, we made no effort to hide it, often combining the two
in live performances.
united chirp harvest
the title originated
as magnetic poetry on arthur's fridge!
nad llik
our backwards
song, in the manner of radiohead's "like spinning plates." plasket
sang the song
phonetically backwards, and then we reversed the audio to make the
lyrics sound
(somewhat) forwards again.
09 i never created anything i didn't destroy soon afterwards
10 the buck-toothed man with the umbrella
12 short baseball-seeking hot girl
hetero man friend
a song about
our friend ana.
a completely
improvised song!
never kick water
one night,
we all went to see a movie on campus. i believe it was "ghost world." after
movie, plasket
told us he was staying behind for a while. "what," we asked, "in the dark
"yes," he said.
well, we thought that was weird, but we held our tongues and walked back
to our
dorm room.
we broke out the instruments and were noodling around for a while, when
all of a
sudden plasket
burst through the door, ordered us to play these specific chords, and launched
into this song.
what you hear is the first and only take we ever recorded, and perhaps
the finest
example of
plasket's genius. we are still shocked to this day.
searching for chester's face
this song was
born from some internet contest in which contestants were supposed
to submit a
drawing of this guy named chester. we thought it would be cool if we submitted
our drawing
in song form. we never submitted it, but it made a pretty awesome song.
lineup: arthur,
dan, matt, plasket
also: jess