

a song about our first random internet fan.

another two in the bucket of rot (ORANGE GLORIOUS)
rarely heard track from an aborted (and forbidden) birthday album for matt. orange glorious is dan and jess.

breakfast at tiffany's (deep blue something cover)

clerical snowman

conversation with morgan (SET YOUR PHASERS ON ROCK!)

crescendo in e

dan's answering machine message (DAN & PAUL)

dave song number 93 - eat it in your mouth, dude
a song about dave, the same guy who sung "raped by an angel."

dead baby wedding (live from the noise parade)
the noise parade was this awesome thing we did one time where we
paraded around the west halls quad singing obnoxious improvised songs. someone
had the bright idea to record it on a portable tape recorder. this was the best song by far.
that's jeff singing the "duh duh duh" part.

DUST part one / DUST part two
the best recording to result from our brief love affair with the loop feature on paul's
effects pedal.

everything in its right place (radiohead cover)

fat bacon
being the only 10 second song that got fleshed out into a real song.

father of the bride (PAUL SOLO)

fetus of doom (SEXY GRANDMA)
one of the only matt solo recordings ever made. from the results, we wish he'd made more!

five minutes of noise

gaggle of goblins (ORANGE GLORIOUS)

going to conshohocken on the back of a mule (WE ARE THE BUS)

groin (DR. PERFECT)


i like cake (PAUL SOLO)

if this had words it would rule
this awesome song was ruined by someone telling us to shut up. later appears (in slowed down
form) on the "rottingham" album.

in the land of idiots
jeff played trumpet on this one, to awesome results.

jess' lament

justin pirate hands (DR. PERFECT)
yet another entry in the justin norton/edward plasket hands saga.

kiss from a rose (WE ARE THE BUS) (seal cover)

let's eat
it's easy to guess how this song originated. that's matt's dad on the phone at the end.

library days (THE NEW ZEAL)

matt eats his own brain (ORANGE GLORIOUS)
rarely heard track from an aborted (and forbidden) birthday album for matt

mountain of gloom (THE NEW ZEAL)
the two new zeal songs were a short-lived collaboration between arthur, dan, and
taylor. they're both really good songs. it's a shame they didn't do more!

my brass japanese scorpion kit
arthur commisioned this for his japanese class.

nutrition! (SPITTY SAUCECUP)
something arthur cooked up with a fourtrack and paul's effects pedal.

o calorie granulated sugar substitute (PLASKET SOLO)
one time when we were eating at the eat n' park on atherton street, plasket picked
up a packet of sugar and sang this little hymn to it. it was an instant classic.

ow i hit myself (ORANGE GLORIOUS)
rarely heard track from an aborted (and forbidden) birthday album for matt

phone noise generator
one of the great blasting trout overbite mysteries. not only do we have no memory
of recording this, we can't even figure out who was involved! we honored this song's
legacy with the sequel "superphone meganoise pseudogenerator 2."

plasket's got a brand new bag (PLASKET SOLO) (james brown cover)

prophetic sounds beamed from the future
this was intended to be part of an unrealized blasting trout overbite noise opera, to be
entitled "the rise and fall of tom dish."

queen of cans and jars (guided by voices cover)

save the grave

song that rhymes


stabbin' a guy (PAUL SOLO)

summer babe (HOT CHOICE) (pavement cover)


the world (looped)

timer song (DR. PERFECT)

we froze it, thanks

we're going to be friends (white stripes cover)

you were meant for me (JOOL) (jewel cover)
