penn state's premiere grindcore band.
ah, pBOTe. this band's origins can be traced back to our discovery
of the kool shades, a purple plastic toy guitar (with three strings) that
some genius decided should be able to be amplified. the god-awful
noises that thing made still kill us to this day.
the fact that no one told us to shut up during these recordings is
a miracle. even writing these words feels wrong. reports from paul
indicate that we were clearly audible a block from our dorm. why were
people so tolerant?
there is no track order for this album. ideally, each song should be
burned to a separate cd, to be pulled randomly from a bag.
(additionally, two more pBOTe songs appear on the self-titled album by the poops.)

bowl full of hands clapping at man's folly (white stripes cover)
cover of "seven nation army."

disintegrated by the man squid in the summer

extreme malice is on time again to make use of the three misplaced objects

frog-flavored rats

fuck you in the skull with a skull

going to the death place in a blood boat

hiding human orangutans in your sisters' underwear collection

i'll melt you onto a cracker, fuck

i've been writhing on the railroad all the live-long day

mother of the shark barks to death at the atm

some fake fires for the fifteen people we made feel bad

strangled by the dumb
the first pBOTe song.

throat sliced by a pizza cutter while grandma bakes flies with her eyes in the moon parlor

lineup: arthur, dan, matt
