01 tambourines ablaze
with tambourines ablaze
within in a maze of maize
exalting all my crimes
revolting on the rind

02 32 days
32 days and a midnight later
32 days and a midnight later
32 days and a midnight later
32 days and a midnight later

03 a very giant hat
when i fly i wear a hat, a very giant hat
but i can't can't fly, so that is that
i cannot wear a hat

04 i said it so you have it
i said it so you have it
and now you know it's true
'cause what i said you now must have
because i say it's true

05 sizzling hay
sizzling hay makes me sputter
why is green another color?
i must've lost the tangerine
because i trounce upon baleen


07 another very giant hat
when i fly i wear a hat, a very giant hat
but i can't can't fly, so that is that
i cannot wear a hat

08 i said it so you still have it
i said it so you have it
and now you know it's true
'cause what i said you now must have
because i say it's true

09 lonely genius
i'm a lonely genius with a hand on my gun
and i'm much too lazy to ever try to run
i need a hand on my shoulder and a trick up my sleeve
without my gumball machine i'll never leave

10 blowing chunks
when i lost my shoe
she sort of threw up

11 bark on me
in me on tree
bark is in me
in me on tree
bark is on a tree

12 aprovecha
Aprovecha para desarrollar nuevas habilidades. ¿Qué echabas en falta en tu anterior empleo? ¿Dominar más el inglés? ¿Tener más habilidad informática? Aprovecha los cursos de formación que ofrece el Inem o apúntate a un intensivo para mejorar tu currículum mientras buscas trabajo.

13 before i sail
nose and pliers and cardboard cups
sanctuary for the pup
give it a day before i sail
before i leave, before i sail

14 robert plot
my good friend
reverend doctor robert plot
wipe your nose, good man
with a patty of snot

15 pvt john plasket
Private John Plasket, Co. C, 72d NYSV. Born in Northumberland, England; not married; joined 72d NYSV June 1861 as a private in Co. I as representative recruit, age 20; WIA July 1, 1862 at Malvern Hill, VA;reenlisted Dec. 1863; transferred June 1864 to Co. A, 120th NYSV; wounded Sept. 10, 1864 while on picket duty at Petersburg, VA; county records say, "wounded in the head, lost his speech;" 120th NYSV regimental lists him as "Plascot;" the 120th Reg. history and the NYS AGO roster say he was transferred to the 73d NYSV June 1, 1865 but the 73d's roster does not list him.

16 the real scream
the real scream
of my head
through a jar of sand
is similar to
a flaggen of salt
thus, i destroyed my massive scale
to fix my massive weight.
being subtle is the only thing that works
when shoemakers are involved
if that is the case
we must return ourselves to the
murky desires of our fables
then in an instant -- nothing
and then, another instant. at last, something!

17 floor wax
Leave the gourds on the vine until a light frost or the stems turn brown. If you need to pick a gourd before the frost, the gourd should be very firm to the touch. Cut the gourd with an inch or more of stem. Wash the gourds in soapy water. Dilute household bleach may be added to the water if desired, and may help delay mold formation. A light coat of non-glossy floor wax gives the gourds a natural glow.

18 carpenter's cough
my best friend is a carpenter's cough
he goes down, down, down to a chicken broth
i'd like to kick him in the teeth and throw him a sloth
but he's a cough

19 lydia
He caught Lydia in his gaze, his hunger almost driving all thought from his mind. She found herself falling into the same trance her sister was now in.

20 cold meat gabe
"They bid farewell to gut-poured flare"
bothered Cold-Meat Gabe
"Thy birds feel too glut." rejected there
smothered old feet babe

21 analgesic medication
Analgesic medication is more effective in controlling pain in young adults than in elderly patients

22 lowboat
the lowboat rises on the ocean floor
and nobody cares who didn't care before
and when the lowboat crashes on the sandy plain
i'll sing a long sad song with my overgrown brain

23 eligible boat
Eligible boats may be entered by completing registration with the organising authority.

24 cookie ice
french the very miserable slates
and jut alone into the road
freedom dies from all the floods
between the greying cookie ice

25 up then! to work!
The time has come. The fool is being drawn into my magic castle, I see him approach from afar, shouting childishly - While she is locked in deathlike sleep by the curse that my power alone can lift. Up then! To work!

26 another neighbor
i've got another neighbor
past the house on the end
how did he get there? whom do i send?
- send me, Lord. i'll get him again.
don't give me that, son. i doubt that you can.

27 the territory of real heroes
You've discovered the territory of real heroes,
people who stick their necks out for the common good.
The nonprofit Giraffe Heroes Project fosters active citizenship
by telling the stories of these "Giraffes"
in the media, on podiums
and in the K-12 Giraffe Heroes Program for schools.
We're training tomorrow's heroes.
We're training tomorrow's heroes.
We're training tomorrow's heroes.
We are tomorrow's heroes!

28 Und So Verfällt Er Dem Speer
Ja, ja, den Schaden zu vergüten, den du ihnen böslich gebracht?
Sie helfen dir nicht; feil sind sie Alle, biet' ich den rechten Preis.
Der festeste fällt, sinkt er dir in die Arme, und so verfällt er dem Speer, den ihrem Meister selbst ich entwandt.
Den Gefährlichsten gilt's nun heut' zu besteh'n; ihn schirmt der Torheit Schild.

29 brown staples
stalk through wheat and tan away
floored brown staples and twist the net
wince, I had turned the four
I track the son and cleave the mold
to bond the latch
wendy said to mind the hounds
you'll win the shoe i'll flail around

30 the one we saw
we know this 'cause
the one we saw,
the one that left wasn't one at all

31 least weasel
Least Weasel

32 pumpkin in basement
one time when i was seven i walked into my basement and found a small pumpkin
he's been there ever since
one time when i was seven i walked into my basement and found a small pumpkin
he's been there ever since

33 the foot
The foot has a complex and delicate structure.
It has 26 bones, 31 joints and 20 intrinsic muscles.
The foot is designed to allow an enormous
amount of movement and flexibility through its structure.
Yet, why do so many feet lack this agility and flexibility?

34 this giant animal
this giant animal
is a horror we cannot stand
i say we destroy it
with a cheesecake and rubber band

35 bad toe
torn shreds of tiny buildings/attack my shower curtain
i dropped a rolaid on my bad toe / and now i'm really hurtin'
you told me how to save my head / i tried to feign some interest
i went to save my bug instead/who lives inside the armrest

36 the pie
today i baked a pie for you
i made it out of love and glue
please evacuate the sand
and infiltrate this evil land

37 the hippocratic oath
I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

38 broken folger's coffee
broken folger's coffee!
broken folger's coffee!

39 40000 eyes
i slipped on the cellar steps
and tumbled to my demise
and on the way i met a child with forty-thousand eyes
she gave me wine and candy canes
and dropped me to the floor
when i landed i was inside out
and i don't remember my name anymore

40 lightning days
Gideon Mantell, a country doctor in the oppressive land of Mzzz, once told us all of the Lightning Days, a 12-week festival of excess and speed. Every person in Mzzz took it upon themselves during that time to do everything twice as fast as usual. This way, a lot more things got done.

41 a voice box for the moon
we fell into aching pastries
she sells me breaking faces
i lost my largest lock and key
it cost the marginal atrophy
passed out like a cantaloupe
crass, just like an antelope
bite the edge of this canteen
fight the head office spleen
create a voice box for the moon
he ate my poison with a spoon
i fainted when i caught the sun
at first it looked a lot like fun
my doctor said he wouldn't care
if i tried out for double dare
empty this envelope into a glass
then see the anvil roping class
oh, the sound of rockin' chair

42 chowderhead/leave me alone
don't tell Chowderhead
about the guy who's dead
the Philidelphia businessman
hatched a plan to kill the man
and now he's eating bread

43 my yearning friend
my yearning friend decided that/he'd rather starve than eat a cat

44 archibald remix

45 stinging office
stinging office/my face is shrine

46 a taco
eat a taco / with needles of pine

47 more spine
beat the silo / we need more spine

48 equine
the adjective for horse / is called equine

49 checkers
the objective of checkers / is to win

50 what i kill
and now i kill / inanimate objects

51 birds
eating birds from trees / is a hobby to take up

52 little kettle
bring along a little kettle / boil birdies up

53 king brain
let's all go destroy King Brain / his foreign policy is insane

54 shit
my skin fell off / shit

55 not my hat
this isn't my hat/ this is some other hat

56 head on fire
my head's on fire / this is not what i desired

57 bread
"bake me some bread" / i shout at my hands

58 minivans
i went insane / and bought forty minivans

59 eating
i'm too damn tired / when are we eating?

60 orewos orpoes
i like orewos. / i lokre orpoes.

61 fronds
i feel empty/ i need fronds

62 magic grape
please give me that magic grape
piece of five lethargic tape
bard from northern climates
hard-pressed to find some diamonds
eat this cow and chicken sandwich
meet his coward, hidden in ditch
build a shed for uncle dave
who killed old jeb in a drunken rage
sweet fucking christ, i lost my map
sleek fighting mice, a crust i stamp
chance of exchanging cobbler's belt
for his heinous wobbling smelts!

63 gumball machine part one
the gumball machine consumed my head
and thus i am dead
the gumball machine infected my mind
tomorrow i died died died